Raymond Thelen

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spring _ zeit

Room 1

The wave and the bow wave

"The wave" Ansgar Skiba 2002

"The Bow Wave" R. Thelen 2006

"Room-Light-Tower" Zipora Rafaelov 2001

Room 4

"Sea with mountains" A. Skiba 2006

Paper works Zipora Rafaelov

"Summer Flowers" von Z. Rafaelov

"Flowers with Duck"

"Flowers with Pineapple"

Room 5

Iceland - Serie A. Skiba 2006

"Habour" R. Thelen 2006
Diametrical representation of water

"... in stormy sea" R. Thelen 2006
Diametrical representation of water


"Bay" R. Thelen 2006
Diametrical representation of water


witout title R. Thelen 2006
Diametrical representation of water
